According to a recent report by the news outlet Polytechnic. Google denies that it ditched the Google Addresses Fitbit’s Future and Sense lines after its Pixel smartwatches landed.
For its part, Google declined to comment when we ran our reports. However, it was said that any Fitbit data it obtains would not be used. With ads, user data would remain secure. It came after an Aug. 18 article from TechRadar implied that only Google’s “beGoogle’ss” trackers” will be Fi”bit-branded devices going forward.
TechRadar’s TechRadar’sat includes ending the production of any future Fitbit Sense or Versa models. And restricting smartwatch development solely to its Pixel Watch line. Yet Google Addresses Fitbit’s Future told Technica that it just released the kid-focused Fitbit Ace smartwatch, adding all you’re going you’re is more product and innovation from Fitbit. While the company did not share more information on future Sense or Versa models, it clarified that these lines are still alive.
There are other websites that have also talked about the discontinuation of Fitbit smartwatches, with TechRadar being one of them. “Pixel Watch” is our smartwatch portion of the portfolio,” Sandeep Wa” Aich, senior director of product management for Pixel Wearables, told Engadget in an interview. He also added that in the future, Fitbit’s global workforce offerings would return to “the more mi”animalistic, long-lasting trackers consumers have come to know and love.
The specific details of what future Fitbit products will look like are still in the air. But it’s hard to imagine that Google would completely cut ties with all of them.
As recently as last month, Google Addresses Fitbit’s Future has been changing its lineup of Fitbit smartwatches and removing some features currently found on older models. If you are a music lover, the Sense 2 and Versa 4 will not have any built-in music app or functionality like previous Fitbits. In other news, Google has also shut down all Fitbit accounts and switched to a Google account.
Q: Does this mean Google is killing off the Fitbit Sense and Versa lines?
This is not correct, Google said, and we quote, “With regards to Fitbit Sense and Versa family updates. This year: No products in these lines are discontinuing as has widely reported”
Q: What”Fitbit products will be shifting around?
Google is also launching some Fitbits that focus more on minimalistic design and longevity. New models no longer provide features such as built-in music apps.
Q: Are Fitbit accounts even still a thing?
Some time ago, Fitbit users were rehomed to Google accounts as part of the step-by-step transition. Google to incorporate its acquisition more tightly into its ecosystem.
Q: So, will Fitbit data be turned into ads?
The data collectes via Fitbit by Google will not use for ads, said the company. It also clarified that user privacy for something very personal, such as health, must remain protected.
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