Every single day, we hear about digital scams and fraudulent calls that result in substantial losses in money, often targeting vulnerable people. However, recent case demonstrate that scammers are capable of targeting even the most educated and sophisticated people. Influencer Ankush Bahuguna’s experience of Digital Arrest Scam for 40 hours underlines the critical need for better awareness and sensitivity towards cyber crime.
Ankush open up about the incidence, revealing how the scammers forced him into making a transaction and isolated him from his friends and family via relentless 40-hour video chat. He revealed that the incident not only cost him money, but also had a negative impact on his mental health. To better comprehend such schemes and their psychological consequences, we have to take care of our loved ones, they are mental health and stay updated with cyber crime professionals.
How to identify a digital Arrest Scam?
So how do you recognize such scams? Is there a way to protect yourself from this terrible cyber fraud? This scam occurred in stages, and each phrase has its own set of indicators that it is a fraud.
- A suspicious call: commerce in digital arrest cases utilise unauthorised phone number or email addresses. They impersonate officials to start legal interactions. Remember that no law and forcement are police officer will ever initiate legal action via phone or video call. They will directly come to your house.
- Pressure tactics: commerce utilise a sense of urgency to induce panic. If someone forces you in taking urgent action, such as climbing you are under arrest or requesting that you keep the subject discrete, it is most certainly a fraud.
- Threats Of silence: scammer’s frequently threaten victims not to reveal facts with relatives or friends, siting “national security” grounds. If something terrible occurs during a phone contact, you should know these are red flags.
- No money demands: legitimate law enforcement officers will never ask for payments over the phone are required sensitive personal information.
- Remain calm and report: if you got such a call, just remain cool. They are going to do know harm to you or your family. Share the information with someone you trust, and make an enquiry with the cyber cell are the police.
What if you are a victim and have lost your money?
If you are sadly the victim of such a fraud and lose money, do not give up hope. Call 1930 immediately. File a complaint as soon as possible. The sooner you register a FIR, the Sonar law enforcement will be allotted to track down the scammers and maybe reclaim your money.
Many people fall for scams without knowing that authorised authorities will never demand money over video call. Individuals illegal matters received an official notice or someone’s from the relevant agency, are they are approached by local police, weather being contacted at random. Even if the police to contact, you should request a return notice and consult your lawyer before taking any action.
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