The 30-year voyage of the former French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, portrayed by Joaquin Pheonix, who is still seen as a mysterious historical figure today, is explored by director Ridley Scott. What unites individuals such as Napoleon and Hitler is their unbridled desire for power, which causes them to lose sight of humanity. The film, directed by Scott, functions as a kind of synopsis of the guy who was influential in the French Revolution.
Napoleon Bonaparte is seen in Scott’s biography as a military leader in 1789 who was conscious of his strength. His seemingly “calm-in-the-storm” attitude belied his power-hungry, egotistical nature, which is what made him so deadly. In addition to having enough graphic sequences to make you cringe, Scott’s 160-minute chronicle of the French military leader and ruler is full of dramatic moments of expertly orchestrated battle and conflict scenes. You see Napoleon leading throughout the screenplay, but it’s never apparent what the goal or meaning is behind those acts, thus it doesn’t really matter what happens.
Napoleon Story
Scott makes sure to provide you with a timeline of the French Revolution through texts that show on screen for people who are not familiar with it. Therefore, if you haven’t finished your history courses yet, don’t worry. Napoleon: The film focuses more on Napoleon’s visionary strategy throughout those wars than it does on the actual fighting. Additionally, you see Napoleon’s transformation into an absurdly conceited commander.
But good on Scott for not making this an exhausting viewing. If anything, it’s fascinating to observe how he presents Napoleon from an impartial standpoint. The film also centers on his unwavering love for Marie Joseph, also known as Josephine, who is portrayed by Vanessa Kirby, a widow of distinction. Napoleon, bolstered by his numerous military triumphs, is crowned Emperor of France shortly after his marriage to Josephine. We watch Napoleon transitioning between his several jobs throughout a thirty-year period. But all Scott offers you is a broad overview of Napoleon and his connections.
Acting of the Cast
In a few images, you can see him attempting to dry his wet eyes, but you’ll never know what truly sparked that love. Was it out of love for Josephine? It appears unclear.
The way Scott deftly switches up the action in the screenplay. Smoothly transitioning from Napoleon on the battlefield to him at home with Josephine. It is what really makes Napoleon a non-exhausting viewing. It’s chaotic as well, but it gives a break from the images of bloodshed and testosterone.
Joaquin Phoenix’s portrayal of Napoleon is amazing. It’s one of those performances that makes you both cringe and cheer. Vanessa is stunning in every photo. It should be mentioned that, in contrast to previous historical dramas, the dubbing, impressions, and dialect all feel appropriate.
The soundtrack is engrossing and never overpowers the screen. The period settings and costumes are exquisite and really enhance the viewing experience. Although Scott does a good job at making Napoleon enjoyable to watch. Still, there isn’t enough substance for you to devote your time to it. It seems unfinished for some reason, with a few gaps in between.
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