Some Hindu groups claimed that Bengaluru was allegedly importing dog meat disguised as mutton from Rajasthan. People started panicking at the Yeshwantpur railway station. The protestors attacked a train coming from Jaipur in response to allegations of illicit meat transportation, the case got serious attention.
In case you are unaware, there have been strong rumors of some illicit and unethical dog meat trade in Bengaluru’s Majestic locality. Some insiders claimed that more than 14,000 kg of dog meat are smoothly transported into the city every day, however, official confirmation is still pending. The tension is real, people are avoiding meat for now it seems.
The packages known to belong to a man named Abdul Razak arrived in Jaipur by Mysore Express. The police indeed seized over 150 containers from him. Though he said the meat he was carrying was mutton, it is now taken for lab tests. Police and BBMP health officials were sent to the scene as the news of the protest came to the public. The meat has been booked by police, and samples of it have been collected by BBMP health experts for tests. We have to wait for the results now.
India’s Prohibition of Dog Meat
Though state-by-state variations exist, dog meat trade and consumption are legally restricted throughout India. Dogs are legally included in the list of animals for which it is illegal to kill and consume under unnecessary killing under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, of 1960.
Some Indian states have indeed imposed their own customized restrictions or prohibitions on dog cruelty.
- Mizoram and Nagaland: Both states have strict laws making it illegal to sell dog meat or put dogs to death.
- Arunachal Pradesh: To tackle increasing animal abuse, the state banned the consumption of dog meat anyhow in 2019.
- Meghalaya: They have laws on how animals should be treated, especially dogs. Though they do not have a ban on dog meat consumption.-
Hindu Activist’s Statements
Numerous Hindu organizations have claimed that dog meat is being transported into the Majestic area in the name of mutton. The media acquired a video where people were showing long tails of the meat imported. That cannot be of goats as they have short tails. The activists questioned the suppliers and the answer they received only was “It is mutton meat” which created the chaos. The meat is allegedly brought through trains, from nearby states, mostly Rajasthan. It is being said that the same meat might also be supplied to different Bangalore hotels and restaurants, causing increasing worries in various businesses.
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