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Selena Gomez hints at upcoming song ‘Single Soon’

Selena Gomez has hinted that she is working in secret just when her admirers were beginning to believe that she was on holiday and having fun with her family. The information became public when the website “Single Soon” first appeared online. The use of music streaming services like YouTube, Apple Music, and Spotify in the title quickly led fans to conclude that this was a hint for a future single. Additionally, a secret section of the new website holds all the hints for the forthcoming track. So, when will the new song be available, and will there be a music video? Here is all the information you require on Selena’s upcoming hit.

Everything you need to know about Single soon

Selena Gomez Single Soon

When this website was launched, word first spread that Selena was working on a new song. Although the source of the site’s popularity is still unknown, it’s likely that the track’s PR team has been actively marketing it since its inception. A link on the webpage called a number and went straight to voicemail. Interestingly, Selena’s younger sister’s voicemail was found when a fan tried to call the number. In addition, the voicemail contained a message for Selena’s excited fans who were anticipating her future song.

The message centers on a guy. And it ends with a brief musical interlude that could be a preview of the song. The legitimacy of the website and phone number has not yet been verified by Selena or any of her team members. Nevertheless, it seems unlikely to be a fiction given how carefully planned these events are. It is therefore still exciting to learn what the singer of Bad Liar has in store for her followers.

Release date of Selena Gomez’s newest song

There doesn’t seem to be any official word from Selena’s bandmates regarding the single’s release as of the time of writing. Usually, songs are made available within a month after the start of promotions. In this case, Selena’s reference of the next song means that its release is scheduled for August.

For a considerable duration, subtle teasers of Selena’s upcoming single have been gradually surfacing across the internet, creating waves of anticipation among her fans. However, this time around, there’s a prominent and intriguing clue that strongly suggests the imminent arrival of the much-anticipated track. The buildup of excitement continues as followers eagerly await the release. It is fostering an atmosphere of curiosity and excitement around Selena’s musical endeavors.

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