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Mumbai Indians Lose Fans After Removal of Rohit Sharma as Captain

The Mumbai Indians, the five-time winners of the Indian Premier League (IPL), have seen a notable drop in their social media following Rohit Sharma’s sudden dismissal from the leadership. Fans are unhappy about the decision, which saw Hardik Pandya take over. And as a result, they lost 1.5 lakh Instagram followers. A wave of dissatisfaction has been felt by supporters as a result of this sudden turn, and many have expressed their displeasure on many media.

The Legacy of Rohit Sharma in Mumbai Indians

During his remarkable leadership of the Mumbai Indians from 2013 to 2023, Rohit Sharma guided the team to five IPL victories and became a symbol of the team. Rohit captained the Mumbai Indians in 158 games and achieved a remarkable 56.33% victory rate. His impact on the team was unmatched. In addition to having an impact on team relationships, the choice to replace him has left supporters wondering why this change was made at this particular time and how it was handled.

Reaction on social media

The statement by the Mumbai Indians sparked an immediate and serious reaction. In less than sixty minutes, the team’s Instagram account lost four lakh followers, a testament to the fervent devotion Rohit Sharma had while in charge. Using hashtags like #RohitSharma to show support for the captain who was fired, fans vented their fury on social media.

Mumbai Indians Lose Fans After Removal of Rohit Sharma as Captain

Reactions from Fans of Mumbai Indians

Social media was ablaze with messages and tweets demonstrating the passionate bond supporters had formed with Rohit Sharma. A supporter said, “Rohit Sharma has done everything for his franchise Mumbai Indians, but they broke a heart.” One recurring topic on social media was the choice to unfollow the official accounts. As supporters expressed their support and displeasure for Rohit.

Mahela Jayawardene

The Mumbai team’s global head of performance, Mahela Jayawardene, thanked Rohit Sharma for his outstanding leadership throughout the previous ten years. “The Mumbai Indians are currently one of the most popular and successful teams in IPL history thanks in large part to Rohi.” According to Jayawardene. In addition, he congratulated Hardik Pandya. On taking over as captain and underlined the team’s dedication to being future-ready.

Affecting the IPL Team Standings

The fallout from Rohit Sharma’s dismissal as captain extends beyond social media. The Mumbai Indians’ fiercest rivals, the Chennai Super Kings, have benefited from this surprising action. They are now the most followed IPL team on Instagram. With 13 million Instagram followers, CSK surpassed MI demonstrating the effect of this choice on the dynamics of the league.

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