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West Indies Cricketer Marlon Samuels banned for six years for breaching anti-corruption code

Former West Indies Cricketer Marlon Samuels was found guilty of corrupt behavior at the 2019 Abu Dhabi T10, when he was a member of the Karnataka Tuskers but did not play, and as a result, the ICC banned him from all cricket for six years. Samuels was found guilty on four charges by an independent tribunal, including hiding facts from the investigating authorities and receiving favors that damaged his reputation and that of the game. A similar conduct had resulted in his punishment fifteen years prior.

According to Alex Marshall, head of the ICC’s HR and Integrity Unit. “Samuels played international cricket for close to two decades. During which he participated in numerous anti-corruption sessions and knew exactly what his obligations were under the Anti-Corruption Codes.” “Mr. Samuels participated in the offenses even though he is currently retired. Any participant who however plans to breach the regulations will be strongly discouraged by the six-year suspension.”

Why has ICC banned West Indies Cricketer Marlon Samuels?

West Indies Cricketer Marlon Samuels banned for six years for breaching anti-corruption code

Since the Abu Dhabi T10 is organized by the Emirates Cricket Board, its anti-corruption rule is in effect. The ICC looks into all reported violations in accordance with its regulations, and they discovered Samuels had committed four of them.

  • According to a majority ruling, Article 2.4.2 prohibits withholding from the Designated Anti-Corruption Official. Be it any gift, cash, hospitality, or other advantage received under any conditions. That would tarnish the reputation of the Participant or the game of cricket.
  • Failure to report to the Designated Anti-Corruption Official any hospitality received for a sum of US $750 or more is covered under Article 2.4.3 (unanimous decision).
  • Ignoring the investigation being conducted by the Designated Anti-Corruption Official in violation of Article 2.4.6 (unanimous decision).
  • Keeping material that would have been pertinent to the inquiry hidden in order to impede or prolong the investigation. Of the Designated Anti-Corruption Official is covered under Article 2.4.7 (unanimous decision).

The prohibition on Samuels will go into effect on November 11, 2023. Before being found guilty of the charges in August of this year, he was first charged by the ICC in September of 2021.

Samuels, who led the West Indies to victory in the 2012 and 2016 T20 World Cup finals. Retired from international cricket in November 2020 after amassing over 11,000 runs in all forms. Samuels last participated in international cricket in 2018. His two-year suspension for “receiving money, or benefit, or other reward that could bring him or the game of cricket into disrepute” was the lowest point of his career. It was marred by scandal on several occasions. The verdict was rendered in May 2008.

West Indies Cricketer Marlon Samuels banned for six years for breaching anti-corruption code

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